About Me - Jake


Hello there! My name is Jake and I'm a passionate explorer of the world and our place in it.


I have a deep fascination with epistemology, which is the study of knowledge and how we come to know things. Exploring questions about the nature of knowledge, belief, and truth is incredibly intriguing to me.

Science also holds a special place in my heart. The exploration of fundamental concepts such as reality, existence, and the nature of being sparks my intellectual curiosity.

Besides epistemology and science, I'm also interested in a wide range of subjects including ethics, logic, philosophy of mind, and more.


I've been having discussions with my friend Chase on various topics. In the spirit of so many that have come before us, we decided to create a way to maintain correspondence on such topics that so often slip the mind. As such, we have dubbed these discussions, reminscent of the analogy between the continuity of both thoughts and trains, "lost trains." Here is my Discussion Index.